rebar Package

rebar Package

group Module

class, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, label_suffix=':', instance=< object>, error_class=None, member_kwargs=None)

Bases: object

Form-like wrapper for a heterogenous collection of Forms.

A FormGroup collects an ordered set of Forms and/or FormSets, and provides convenience methods for validating the group as a whole.


Return the field name with a prefix prepended.


Hook for doing formgroup-wide cleaning/validation.

Subclasses can override this to perform validation after .clean() has been called on every member.

Any ValidationError raised by this method will be accessible via formgroup.group_errors().()


Return the group level validation errors.

Returns an ErrorList of errors that aren’t associated with a particular form. Returns an empty ErrorList if there are none.

html_id(field_name, form=None)

Return the html ID for the given field_name.


Save the changes to the instance and any related objects.

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: rebar.validators.StateValidatorFormMixin,

Subclasses are expected to define the state_validators property, which is a mapping of states to StateValidator objects.


Returns True if no errors are thrown for the specified state., formgroup=None, state_validators=None)

Return a FormGroup class for the given form[set] form_classes.

testing Module

Tools for testing Forms, FormSets, and FormGroups.

rebar.testing.empty_form_data(formset, index=None)

Return a form data dictionary for a “new” form in a formset.

Given a formset and an index, return a copy of the empty form data. If index is not provided, the index of the first empty form will be used as the new index.


Recursively flatten a Form-like object to a data dict.

Given a Form-like object such as a Form, ModelForm, FormSet, or FormGroup, flatten the members into a single dict, similar to what is provided by request.POST.

If item is a FormSet, all member Forms will be included in the resulting data dictionary

validators Module

class rebar.validators.StateValidator

Bases: object

Field Validators which must pass for an object to be in a state.


Disable the validator; when disabled, no errors will be returned.


Enable the validators.


Run all field validators and return a dict of errors.

The keys of the resulting dict coorespond to field names. instance can be a dict (ie, form.cleaned_data), a form, a formset, or a model instance.

If instance is a form, full_clean() will be called if the form is bound.

If instance is a formset, full_clean() will be called on each member form, if bound.


Return True if no errors are raised when validating instance.

instance can be a dict (ie, form.cleaned_data), a form, or a model instance. If instance is a form, full_clean() will be called.

validators = {}
class rebar.validators.StateValidatorFormMixin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Mixin for adding state validators to forms.

Subclasses are expected to define the state_validators property, which is a mapping of states to StateValidator objects.


Return any validation errors raised for the specified state.


Returns True if no errors are thrown for the specified state.

state_validators = {}
rebar.validators.statevalidator_factory(field_validators, validator=<class 'rebar.validators.StateValidator'>)

Return a StateValidator Class with the given validators.